Real estate mogul and political onlooker Donald Trump called into "Fox and Friends" on Monday morning, criticizing Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) for his colorful appraisal of the GOP as the "stupid party" following its losses in 2012.
"I think he was stupid for using that term, because that term is so obnoxious, and so good for the other side," Trump told the Fox News hosts. "He should not have used that term. That term is going to be living now with the Republican Party for a long time, and they're going to have his face on television saying it for the next four years."
Speaking at the Republican National Committee's winter meeting last month, Jindal urged his colleagues to talk "like adults" and cut out the type of "offensive and bizarre" rhetoric that had damaged the party's chances in a number of Senate contests last cycle. Missouri Rep. Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock of Indiana both took nationwide heat for their controversial comments about rape and subsequently lost their races in November.
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