Friday, May 17, 2013

Dinesh D’Souza to release new film, titled: AMERICA in 2016

Los Angeles, CA—Six months after 2016: Obama’s America became the second highest grossing political documentary of all time, the filmmakers behind the smash hit are teaming up again to produce a new film, simply titled: AMERICA.
…It’s at great moments of peril like this that we need to regroup and rediscover the first principles of what made America great.
“We are now living in the America that we warned our fellow citizens could come to pass if President Obama were re-elected,” said Dinesh D’Souza, best-selling author who will return as writer and host. “Like it or not America is now the nation that Barack Obama Junior and Senior dreamed of creating. Americans are right to be terrified as they see the transformation of America take place before their very eyes. But it’s at great moments of peril like this that we need to regroup and rediscover the first principles of what made America great.”
“We intend to bring the same level of excellence, integrity and honesty to this production and, if we’re successful, we’ll once again be embraced by the American filmgoing public and ignored by the Oscars,” quipped producer Gerald R. Molen, himself an Academy Award® winning filmmaker of such hits as Schindler’s List, Jurassic Park and Minority Report, who returns as producer.

Bobby Jindal lays out GOP strategy

Swaminathan Anklesaria Aiyar - Fast Growth Will Save Lives Not the Food Security Bill

This article appeared in Times of India on May 12, 2013.

Amartya Sen wants to estimate the number of deaths caused by the delay in passing the Food Security Bill. He thinks this may shame Opposition politicians into ceasing disruption of proceedings in the Lok Sabha. “To capture people’s attention, you have to have a number,” he says.

Fine, but let’s hope Sen will also estimate deaths caused by faulty policies that historically kept India’s GDP growth slow, and have once again slowed growth today. He loves to emphasise that for any given GDP growth, better social investment will improve outcomes. Why not equally emphasise that, for any given level of social investment, faster growth will also improve outcomes and reduce deaths?

Sen gained fame by estimating that 100 million women were “missing” because of gender discrimination that led to excess female mortality. He looked at the male-female ratio in China, South Asia, West Asia and North Africa, and asked what would have happened if these regions had the same sex ratio as in Western countries where women and men receive equally good care. He calculated that these countries would have had more than 100 million extra women.

Reihan Salam - The Global Garment Manufacturing Ecosystem

The casualties at Rana Plaza have prompted a far-reaching discussion of the economics and the ethics of the global garment manufacturing supply chain. Earlier this week, Keith Bradsher of the New York Times described the scramble among retailers to identify new low-cost garment manufacturing locations in the developing world, a scramble that has taken on new urgency as Bangladesh’s reputation has been tarnished.

Indonesia, which has a GDP per capita (PPP) two-and-a-half times as high as that of Bangladesh and a government that has improved markedly in recent years, has been gaining momentum. Bradsher reports that many elite brands had harbored concerns about Bangladesh’s reliance on high-rise factories, a reflection of rising land values in prime manufacturing districts, which are in turn a reflection of transportation bottlenecks that threaten the reliability of shipments.

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How Protectionism Hurts Hawaii: Why It's Time to Repeal the Jones Act

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Top South Carolina Democrat Wants To Send Nikki Haley “Wherever The Hell She Came From”


A spokesman for South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley Friday fired back at the latest in a long string of attacks that seem to invoke her status as an Indian-American woman presiding over her Southern state.

South Carolina Democratic Party Chairman Dick Harpootlian, a trial lawyer, longtime Democratic leader, and legendary figure in local politics, reportedly told a South Carolina Democratic Party dinner that the Democratic challenger would send "Nikki Haley back to wherever the hell she came from."

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